7 Core Exercises You Should Probably Be Doing to Prevent Back Pain
Build a resilient spine with 7 instructional videos:
7 Core Exercises You Should Probably Be Doing to Prevent Back Pain
Build a resilient spine with 7 instructional videos:
Welcome to my latest blog post, where today, I’m thrilled to share something that has truly transformed my life and I believe it can do the same for you. If you’ve ever experienced low back pain, you know how it can drain your energy, affect your mood, and hinder your daily activities. It’s a common
Join us on September 16th from 12-3 PM for the GRAND OPENING of Ambassador Fitness & Performance!
Don’t miss our ribbon-cutting ceremony at 12:45PM! Explore our brand-new facility, meet our amazing personal trainers, plus get ready for exciting fitness contests and awesome raffle prizes, including personal training packages.
We’ll have refreshments
For a few years now, it’s been my goal to achieve McGill Method Status. And after nearly a year of going through the McGill courses (1,2, and 3) and each of the corresponding workshops plus examinations, I can now officially call myself a Certified McGill Method Practitioner as of March 28th, 2022. I’ll admit, I’m
2021 is officially over. And it’s been another wild year. I don’t think anyone thought the pandemic would still be going on, and with the rise of a new variant, it’s currently crushing health care systems, forcing countries to take lockdown measures again. And as a self-employed small business owner, it’s been another tough year.
You may have heard the news. I have left JS Fitness to pursue a few new avenues. One of those avenues involves leasing space and running my personal training business out of a local gym, Limitless Training Centre. And the other avenue involves stepping back into the athlete development world to work as the Head
Is your low back pain getting the better of you and hindering your day-to-day activities? Low back pain could be the beginning. If you don’t get a hold of yourself and act to fix it, the chances are that you might face a lot of consequences in the future… You need this guide if
2020. The craziest year. Ever. In 2020, we had a complete overhaul and gutting of the fitness industry. A widespread pandemic hit, and gyms were forced to shut their doors. Gym owners and personal trainers were forced to pivot and adapt to online training, while many others left the industry for good. I don’t think anyone
2020 is coming to an end. It’s been a wild year. I don’t think anyone predicted a global pandemic. And as a self-employed small business owner, it’s been tough. For 2020, JS Fitness (the gym I work at) shut for over 5.5 months. And I lost 2/3rds of my in-person clients. Crazy to think 2/3rds
Selecting the proper mattress for your low back can be the difference between you waking up with a stiff back versus waking up with a pain-free back. But very few people no which mattress to select for their low back. Questions that run through peoples minds may involve: Is a soft mattress bad? Should I
At the beginning of each year, I make predictions about fitness trends that I see coming. In my previous post, predicting 2020 fitness trends, there were three trends I highlighted; A massive rise in online training, an emergence in large group training, and a surge in gym membership competition. Since Covid-19 is causing a f*cking
It’s crazy to think that it’s been 5 years since my first YouTube video — My Story of Low Back Pain (L5-S1 Disc Bulge) & Top 5 Recommendations. I started my YouTube channel to help people with low back pain that went through similar circumstances as I did — moving through a flawed medical system, working
Covid-19 has struck millions across the globe. People are dying; people are losing their jobs and business are being forced to shut. It’s not a pleasant time. And I can say firsthand that I’m beginning to struggle with the closure of our gym, and significant restrictions placed on current online clients. However, right now is
There are several ways to make an exercise more challenging. Some of which are common sense, others, which may require you to think outside the box. But for personal trainers or strength coaches, you must understand the different ways you can progress an exercise — plus know the context to apply it. And for average
It’s 2020. A New Year. New Ideas. New Fitness Trends In 2019, the biggest trend we saw was the emergence of the super cheap gym membership, most notably, your Planet Fitness or Fit 4 Less. Large group training began to make an emergence in 2019 as well, but I think Large Group Training will become
With 2019 coming to an end, I’m using this article to direct you to the most popular content of the past 12 months at remisovran.com. We will start with the most popular articles of the year and move to videos; these are the pieces that received the most traffic, according to my hosting statistics and
The third and final installment of my “30 Days of Low Back Pain” series. All three parts cover everything from low back assessment, tips on spine friendly training strategies, to how to improve low back health and performance. Day 21 – Things to Know About the Deadlift & Low Back Pain Did you know
This is Part II of my latest series dealing with anything and everything low back pain: How to prevent back pain, develop a superhuman low back and make your low back feel less like a pain in the ass. If you missed Part I, I’d suggest starting there before going through Part II. Day
I’m willing to bet that if you’re reading this blog post — you have a bad back. I’m also willing to bet, given your low back scenario, and given this blog is dedicated towards strength & conditioning, you’re interested in: Keeping your low back healthy. Making your low back resilient to injury. Building a bulletproof
Hope you had an awesome week! Here is a new list of reading material I was able to go through in recent weeks and found very helpful. Enjoy! Personal Trainer Salary Survey (2019) Who Earns the Most?: Wondering how much the average personal trainer makes? This is a cool survey that the PTDC performed on
Writing an exercise program for a client with low back pain is a challenge. People come to me with a history of discogenic problems, retrolisthesis, facet degeneration, endplate fractures, etc. Each client is unique. And requries a different approach. The discogenic person tends to have a difficult time with lumbar flexion, whereas the person with
The barbell front squat is an exercise I like to use as a progression to goblet squats. It’s an exercise you can load up, while not having to worry about grip strength demands. And it tends to be shoulder (external rotation restrictions) and spine friendly. To perform a barbell front squat, there a few requirements
The suitcase deadlift is an awesome progression from a traditional deadlift that provides a lateral core stability challenge. By placing the load in one hand and performing a hip-hinge, we are training the body to resist lateral flexion. I first saw this exercise from Mike Robertson and have been including it in clients program from
I apologize for being absent of late. Work, travel, friends and family have been taking up time, and I haven’t been able to keep the blog or YouTube channel up to date. I recently came back from the StrongSummit in Toronto, and I thought it was an incredible conference. Learned new material and met some
Today’s guest post comes from Brad Krause. Brad is the creator of SelfCaring.info – a website designed to help people improve their self-care practices and wellbeing. Note: This is Brad’s 2nd post this year, and if you haven’t already checked out his previous article “What’s the Big Deal About Self-Care?, I suggest you read it
The other day I had a client say to me that their low back felt off after a set of trap bar deadlifts. After hearing this, and STRICTLY observing their form on their next set, their form was fine. But. The problem I noticed was that they weren’t properly bracing. As a result, the core
Today I’m going to outline five back pain myths I learned during my journey of overcoming low back pain. Back pain myths run rampant, and, unfortunately, steer people in the wrong direction. If overcoming low back pain is your goal then follow along as I discuss five common back pain myths destroying your progress.
The stationary bear crawl with floor tops is a new variation of the “traditional” bear crawl, and I’ve been using it quite a bit with clients of late. I can’t remember who I got this exercise from, but I can tell you it was from Instagram. Like all bear crawl variations, we’re training anti-rotation core
Are you looking for some new reading material from the world of strength & conditioning and business? Check these recommendations out: 1 Year In: The Self-Employment Experiment – As someone who works as an independent contractor and is beginning to learn about taxes and accounting, this was a timely post by Strength & Conditioning Coach, Dean
I’ve been on a roll lately when it comes to discussing low back pain. And rightfully so, considering it’s my niche and personal to me; however, I thought today I would change it up and discuss a different topic, which is “How to Land a Professional Sports Strength & Conditioning Internship.” Once in a while,
Spine biomechanics is one area of research that I admire. Understanding how a disc bulge develops, or how a loss of disc height alters force fascinates me. It’s a bit ironic since I never had an appreciation for this field until my back issues (L5-S1 Disc herniation & Facet Joint Osteoarthrosis). And I know I
An area I find of concern for people trying to overcome low back pain is the post-rehab process. For instance, you’ll see a person with low back pain opt for conservative treatment. Or. Surgery, if conservative treatment doesn’t work. In the cases were people improve with conservative treatment or surgery, they may return to normal
Over the past few years of coaching a wide variety of people, I’ve found that verbal responses to a question such as “how’d that weight feel?” provides a good indication if you need to progress, regress or stay the same in weight. For instance, the other day I had a new client with a history
It’s February 20th. And we’re back with another edition of “Things to Read to Help Slay Your Day.” Interesting Fact. February 20th, 1993 is the day Ferruccio Lamborghini, founder of Lamborghini passed away. Considering Lamborghini is still thriving today, you can say Ferruccio was an incredible entrepreneur. And his legacy will live on for a LONG
The McKenzie Press-up. Also, known as the “Sloppy Push-up” or “Cobra Stretch” is an exercise I often get questions about; People with low back pain, more specific — disc bulges ask about this exercise. Physical therapist Robin McKenzie introduced the McKenzie Press-up as part of a series of exercises to combat low back pain. And
Performing a bodyweight chin-up is challenging. Regular gym-goers often struggle with it due to a lack of upper-body strength. And I’d say it’s not an exercise people often perform with good technique. People swing their legs to generate momentum or extend their neck in attempts to get their head to the bar during a chin-up – all
Returning to weight training after sustaining a low back injury can be a difficult task. You may be unsure about what exercises to do without making your back worse. Or perhaps you’re performing the right exercises, but you’re unsure about your technique and the frequency that you should be performing these exercises. Lots of questions
Today is January 17th. Benjamin Franklin day. And yes I just googled that. But. I bet you didn’t know that. Who doesn’t love Benjamin??? Anyway. To this week’s “Things to Read to Help Slay Your Day”. I don’t have anything for you to read, but I have 3 SUPER cool video’s for you to check out.
Every year the fitness industry is changing. New Technology. New Training Methods. New Business Models. You name it. In 2018, we saw a rise in online training, gym ownership, and wearable technology. While these trends are still “hot,” and I believe they’ll continue to be hot — 2019 is a new year. And there are a
With 2018 winding down, I’m using this blog post to direct you to some of the most popular content of the past 12 months at remisovran.com. We will start with the most popular articles of the year and move to videos; these are the pieces that received the most traffic, according to my hosting statistics
I had a comment the other day from a YouTube subscriber asking me the following question: “Can I perform this (Bird-Dog exercise) with a bulging disc?” My response: “Depends. If it doesn’t cause you pain — it may be okay. But it’s important to perform the appropriate variation (progression/regression) and proper technique!” You see, this
Once in a while, I’ll get a question from someone asking me what my thoughts are on using an inversion table for low back pain relief. My response tends to be: “I credit the inversion table as the best accessory tool to helping in my recovery from an L5-S1 disc herniation causing sciatica; however, it’s
Hope you’ve been able to take advantage of Black Friday sales without getting a black eye at your local Walmart. LOL. I decided to stay in and take advantage of a few digital products. Note: It’s nice when you can purchase a product without having to travel anywhere and have it delivered to you through email. Ah.
From the start of my youtube channel and blog – I have received hundreds of messages from people asking me what I did to recover from my low back problems and how I returned to exercise. The response I often give is: Patience with a good recovery and training program. People are often in a bit of
The Deadlift. A lift that I thought I know how to perform five years ago, yet looking back, knew nothing about. And it’s part of the reason I threw my low back out. After spending a few years with severe back issues and overcoming them – I worked back to deadlifting. But this time I
Trick or Treat! Yes, today is Halloween – one of my favourite days of the year. Jaromir Jagr costumes are in full effect. Chocolate bars are flowing. And a marathon of classic scary movies begin. All makes for an interesting day. But before you throw on your favourite scary movie, or begin the trick or treat festivities
Hello everybody! I’ve been getting messages from social media followers and new clients complaining that their low back symptoms become worse with standing, coughing or getting out of bed. Often you will find that you can prevent symptoms from triggering by changing lifestyle habits and adjusting posture. Sometimes it may be eliminating morning exercise or
Carries are one of my favourite exercises to program. And for many reasons: Simple to coach. Versatile. Get’s people moving. Challenges core stability; scapular stability; grip strength. And everyone f*cking enjoys them. What is a Carry? A carry is an exercise that involves a person holding an object (e.g., dumbbell, kettlebell) in one or both
The chin-up is one of the most popular upper body strengthening exercises. Fitness assessments, military-style training and strength programs all incorporate the chin-up to some extent. The chin-up is not an easy exercise to perform. People may struggle with the chin-up, or some may not know how to perform it with proper technique. Assuming incorrect technique
If you didn’t know – tomorrow is the last day of summer. Time flew by. I was able to publish 25 articles (including this one) and 1 guest post over 92 days. That’s a rate of about 1 article every 3.68 days. Not bad I’d say. And I hope to continue writing more articles next
In a recent conversation with a former client – one question I asked her was: “Why did you choose me to be your coach?” She responded with 3 answers. 1. Education – “I’m an educator and when I go on youtube – I’m researching stuff. I tend to gravitate to people who are trying to
Sometimes I will get a message from a social media follower asking if I can make a “Top 10 Exercises for Low Back Pain Article or Video”. My response is always the same. And it goes something like this: “Dear Social Media Follower Thank you for supporting me. As per your suggestion about putting together
As the last few weeks of summer are coming to an end, I thought I’d share with you a tip that several of my clients who deal with low back pain have found helpful. The Use of a Daily Journal I’d say many people don’t write a daily journal. Some might find it irrelevant
Hope you had a wonderful Labour Day weekend and are ready to get back into the grind of things. I’m a little late posting this, but here is a new list of reading material that I was able to work through the last couple of weeks. Should You Got To Physical Therapy School? – For anyone
Foam rolling is a self-massage technique that people use to relieve muscle tightness and improve range of motion. While foam rolling may have it’s benefit – the low back is one area that people should never foam roll, according to Dr. Stuart McGill. Dr. McGill mentions on the strength students podcast that when one foam rolls the
Yoga is a mental, physical and spiritual practice that people may use in attempts to treat injuries or health problems. I’d say yoga is one of the most common topics I get questions about for people trying to overcome low back pain. Some swear by it. Others dread on it. And some are in the middle –
Swimming is a form of exercise that people may attempt for low back pain relief. The idea is that swimming helps spare the body of stress due to its low impact; however, if the context isn’t specified – then this isn’t correct to say. Yes, standing in water will be less stressful since the buoyancy forces
Happy Saturday! Here is your new edition of strength & conditioning, self-development and business related material that WILL help slay your day. Industry Insights – The Back Mechanic: Any interview with Dr. Stuart McGill never disappoints. I love the insight Dr. McGill shares about radiologists and how they should not be giving a diagnosis to a
I just finished the book Decisive by Chip Heath and Dan Heath. Eric Cressey had recommended this book on his Instagram story, and I thought I would check it out. Decisive, the book, is about helping people make decisions that will improve their work and life outcomes. One of the takeaways I got from this book is that
The adult spine contains 26 vertebrae and 23 spinal discs. Both vertebrae and spinal discs function as shock absorbers and provide the foundation that allows for movement of the spine. Each vertebra serves as an attachment site for tendons and ligaments. Tendons attach muscle to bone and ligaments attach bone to bone. The attachment sites
Ever since I injured my low back and did my rehab several years ago – I developed an interest in spine biomechanics. It’s ironic since I did a masters degree in exercise physiology. But my lower back problems and strength & conditioning roles with the Windsor Spitfires and Toronto Raptors changed my interest. And spine biomechanics
Today’s guest post comes from Brad Krause. Brad is the creator of SelfCaring.info – a website designed to help people improve their self-care practices and wellbeing. Enjoy! If you feel like you hear about self-care everywhere lately, you’re not alone. But self-care isn’t just a fad, and it isn’t new. “self-care” is just a new
From a podcast on improving sleep performance to building a consistent online business, and to an article on mindset – there is much covered in this edition of “Things to Read to Help Slay Your Day.” Strength Coach Podcast – Episode 235: Going Deep on Sleep with Brandon Marcello: Sleep is one variable that I feel doesn’t
I was in the gym the other night going through my standard high-intensity interval training (HIIT) treadmill workout. The workout went fine, but, on this night, I decided to switch things up by adding some battle rope HIIT after the treadmill sprints. I got through the battle rope HIIT without any issues up until the last interval. While performing
Recently, one of my social media followers on Instagram had a question about what bench press technique he should assume considering he has had a host of lower back problems including a herniated disc. Here was this fellas question: “I had my share of back injuries in the past including an L5-S1 herniated disc (posterior).
Osteoarthrosis, also known as degenerative joint disease is a condition I was diagnosed with a little over 4 and a half years ago after undergoing an MRI on my lumbar spine. The osteoarthrosis was a mild case and seen at all of my lumbar facet joints at the age of 20 years old. While the
This past week, I jumped hard onto learning about optimizing high-performance for hockey athletes, and I had the opportunity to listen to 2 separate podcasts from San Jose Sharks assistant strength coach Kevin Neeld. In both podcasts, he talked about everything from his assessment process to how he coaches some of his athletes in a group
Many people will often develop beliefs that a “specific” exercise is bad and that they should “never” perform it. Sometimes these beliefs end up becoming extreme and to the point where they are falsely rooted. For example, you will often hear people say: “Don’t do deadlifts; they are bad for your low back.” or… “Don’t deep
A little over three years ago, I started blogging through my website and vlogging on youtube my experiences dealing with lower back pain, my love for the field of strength & conditioning, and my journey through my master’s degree. All of this to date is represented in 220 blogs posts and over 280 youtube videos.
I’m a few days late posting this, but here is your weekly dosage of strength & conditioning, personal development and business related material to check out: Remi Sovran on the Thic & Thin Podcast – Here is an interview I did for the Thic & Thin Podcast talking about everything from lower back injuries to flaws in
To follow up my previous post on lumbar disc herniation’s in hockey players, I thought it would only be fitting to talk about another common lower back injury in hockey players, which is spondylolysis. While not as common as lumbar disc herniation’s in hockey players, spondylolysis is still an injury that is relatively common and can cause
I was once a hockey player. I played the game for over a decade and many of those years at a competitive level. To this day, I still play, but only at a recreational level. I gave up chasing the dream many years ago to pursue an education in Exercise Science. Shortly after giving up playing
Happy Canada Day! It’s year 151 for Canada, and I’m fortunate enough to have been around for the last 25 years. Fun fact: The last Canadian hockey team to win the Stanley Cup was 25 years ago, and it was the Montreal Canadiens. Pretty crazy to think it’s been that long since a Canadian team
It’s my 25th birthday today, and I can say I’ve been alive for a quarter of a century now. With the realization that I’m getting older, I am also gaining more experience which I thought I’d share with you today in contexts that you might find interesting or helpful. Below, you’ll find 25 of my
You’ve probably heard the phrase “the weight room can be your friend or foe” somewhere before, and there is significant truth to this statement. Practice some good hip care strategies as a hockey player, and you may notice some improvements in your skating stride. Practice some good ankle/foot care strategies as a basketball player, and
Throughout the past five years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of clients and individuals with low back pain. Some of these individuals have involved your everyday 9 to 5 office worker with low back pain, clients with spinal surgical interventions, and professional basketball, hockey and mixed martial athletes with severe
You’ve probably heard the phrase “ass to grass” before when speaking with a local gym enthusiast, personal trainer or even read it in a fitness magazine. It’s a common phrase that many people may use when referring to a deep squat depth. Many people believe that a “true” squat involves squatting all the way to the
On Monday, I officially graduated from the University of Windsor with a Master of Human Kinetics, focus in exercise physiology. I started the program back in the fall of 2015 with the intentions of furthering my education and upgrading myself as an exercise science professional. Initially, I intended to go into physical therapy school, but the
I’m excited to share with all of you today an exciting new webinar that I put together about a coaching client’s success story of overcoming lower back pain. In this webinar, I show you the step by step approach that I took with Denise to help her overcome her low back issues and return to
Slayers! We are back with another edition of “THINGS TO READ TO HELP SLAY YOUR DAY.” A few notable updates before we begin. I have finished the ebook version in rough of the first digital product that I’ll be releasing this year. As for right now, tentative dates for release are for May 8th and
Note: This post is primarily written for the individual looking to prevent a future lower back injury from occurring or currently attempting to overcome their own lower back injury. Contrast to popular belief; many people believe that they should perform core stability or low back exercises every other day. However, research from Mayer et al.,
Hey slayers, hope you’ve all had a fun filled week and were able to slay the most out of it! I have a few exciting things that I want to share with you! 1. I’m in the works of developing my first digital product Yes, you heard that! I’m in the current works of developing
Hello Everybody! It is the New Year, and we are back with the 3rd edition of “THINGS TO READ TO HELP SLAY YOUR DAY” and the 1st edition of 2018. For those of you know that you don’t know what this article series is, it’s a list of all the best content I’ve read over
With 2017 coming to an end here, I’m using this last day of the year to direct you to some of the most popular content of the past 12 months at remisovran.com. These are the pieces of content that received the most traffic, according to my youtube analytics. Also, I’ve posted some youtube business analytics
Back with the 2nd edition of “THINGS TO READ TO HELP SLAY YOUR DAY” and it’s going to be FIRE!!!!! And by fire. I mean we’re going to light it up! Haha just kidding, but on a more serious note, I’d would just like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday’s as this
I’m starting a new series of posts that will bring some fucking fire to you all. Much of the content shared in these posts will be around things that I have recently learned, highly recommend, encourage you check out… or most importantly… SLAY THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR DAY! Their will be a lot of
Hey, how’s it going everybody? Hope you’re all having a fantastic day today. With today’s new post, what I wanted to do is do a follow-up post to my previous article and video in which I talked about inversion/traction therapy for people with lower back pain. In that article and video, I explained how inversion/traction
Back when I was working with the Toronto Raptors, I was introduced to a term known as “Default Posture” by Alex McKechnie. Alex, who is currently the director of sports performance and assistant coach of the Toronto Raptors defined this term to me as a posture that one assumes for an activity or more specifically
In today’s new video, I address a term that has bothered me for quite some time, and I explain why “Non-Specific Low Back Pain,” does not exist. Non-specific Low Back Pain is a term often used to describe an individual’s low back pain that one does not know the cause of. Now, that may seem
In this video, I share with you what some of my current and future training goals after my recovery from my lower back disc protrusion (L5-S1) and why. I go into specific details about what some of my current training programs look like and why I specifically am playing hockey, squatting and deadlifting again. I hope this
In today’s new post, we’re talking about the importance of practicing proper lifting mechanics for the purpose of preventing lower back injuries. Many people in today’s society are not aware of their form when they bend over to pick up or lift something from the ground. Often, what you will see is that people tend
Well, 2016 was a pretty interesting year to say the least. I had the opportunity to be coached on the dead lift by the former world’s stronger man Bill Kazmaier, attend one of best weight lifting conferences in the world (SWIS) and I was able to meet some really successful coaches, trainers and therapists as
Hey, hope everyone is doing well! I got a quick little tip that I want to share with any coaches or trainers that work specifically with hockey players. This tip may influence how you set-up your exercise programs and workouts for your hockey athletes. And it may also improve the quality of your athlete’s performance
Here is a new video that some coaches and clinicians may find very useful when performing assessments on their clients or athletes. In this video, Remi talks about the importance of identifying various sport-specific postures for assessment purposes when creating an exercise or rehab program. In this video, you’ll learn about: Different sport specific postures
I recently just got back from Boston, where I attended the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, and I was lucky enough to sit on a session about the spine. During this session, it involved various sports medicine doctors and physical therapists presenting spinal injury cases that they treated. Also, there was a panel of
Here is a quick little tip for any of you strength coaches, physical therapists, doctors or just anyone in general for that matter! Identifying the Problem from all Factors Have you ever had an injury or an athlete come to you with injury, whether that’s a hamstring tear, patella issue, or back pain? One thing
Here is an interesting question that I bet very few people pay attention too when exercising: How Long Should You Rest in Between Uni-Lateral Sets for Optimal Performance? Before I answer this question, I just want to explain what a uni-lateral exercise set is because some people reading this may not know since it’s a
Hello Folks! Just thought I would share my internship experience with any fellow individual’s’ who are looking to do a strength and conditioning internship in the future or are just ‘curious’ about how my experience was! So, where do I begin??? Well, let’s start with the training staff. I was very fortunate enough to be
Hey Folks! Quick little tip and post today! “Avoid Activites, Movements or Motions that Cause Pain or any significant Discomfort.” If your anyone that is suffering from an injury, it’s important that you avoid any movements or motions that cause pain or make things worse. Now, this may seem pretty basic or simple, but lots
As I’m writing this, I have mixed feelings about going back to school, especially since I just left the Toronto Raptors. It’s unfortunate that my Raptors internship ended because I loved being there and being able to learn on my own. However, now that I am back at school, I have to take three more
Since I did a year in review of 2015, I thought I would let everyone know what to expect from myself in 2016! Now, if you haven’t checked out the year in review, then feel free too here Year in Review: The Best of 2015. What Does 2016 Hold? Well, first and foremost, now that I’m finished
Well, it’s been a CRAZY and interesting year… I must say! There has been so many things that have happened, that I never would of thought of happening in a million years. And I can’t say enough about how excited I am for the future! So, in today’s post I’m going to highlight my top
Is Sitting Functional when it comes to athletic training? For the most part, sitting or any exercise that involves sitting isn’t very functional when it comes to training athletes. Think of it, when is an athlete ever sitting during there sport? In most instances, they aren’t. Mind you, there is the odd sport that does
I once was a hockey player. I played the game for roughly 17+ plus years and many of those years at a competitive level. To this day, it’s still my favorite sport and will always be my favorite sport, whether that is to watch or play. However, basketball has become a close second. Lately, I
Basketball is a unique game that usually involves five common positions. Those positions being a point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward and center. Each position requires a different responsibility and skill to play. Typically, your point guards or small forwards, are usually shorter than most but are super skilled and quick. Moreover, a
In today’s post, I want to share my thoughts and opinion’s on gym machines. Firstly, before I do, let’s define what a gym machine is. A gym machine, in my words or thinking, is anything that may restrict full range of motion, is not ‘very’ functional, and just looks BIG for the most part (e.g.,
Here is a quick little thought and question for all you Strength Coaches, Fitness Trainer’s or athlete’s out there. How often do you do your speed or conditioning training forward (e.g., Forward Sprints, Running on a treadmill, etc.)? If your answer is all the time, then you may want to consider this. Is the sport of
You may be wondering… what does the term “Default Posture” refer too? Well, “Default Posture” is a term that I got from Sports Science Director Alex Mckechnie and he uses this term to describe the “normal” posture of an athlete playing a sport or just an individual performing an everyday activity. For example, a basketball
Hello folks! In today’s post and I think in some future posts, I’m going to be talking about some staple exercises and some things you may want to consider or think twice about! So, for today’s post, we’re going to be talking about the ‘seated row.’ The seated row is a common exercise that is
In today’s post, I decided I would share a few things that I’ve learned so far in my first week working with Toronto Raptors. Some of the stuff I’m about to share is very educational and just some cool, interesting facts. So, without further to do, let’s get started! 1. Planks are not applicable to
So, this is a bit of a different post but part of a little homework assignment ‘Alex McKechnie’ is having me do for my internship. (Note: Alex wanted me to do some research on this topic and I thought I would just re-educate myself and whoever else is interested on this topic). Now, for those of
Hello everybody! It’s been a VERY hectic past week here, and things have done a complete 360! I’m very excited and happy to announce that I have landed a strength and conditioning internship with the Toronto Raptors! Very unexpected and funny how all of this worked out. Back in the summer, my adviser for my Master’s
It’s almost that time of the year again.. school! I don’t know if I feel excited or intrigued but I’m definitely curious to see how things go in these next couple months or so. I’ve got of a lot of things to do and one of those things, probably the biggest thing, is my thesis.
Note: As I am writing this post, I just wanted to mention that I have recently been offered a Graduate Assistant-ship position (which I have accepted) while doing my Master’s degree. (Side Note: If your someone is doing their Master’s Degree or is considering doing it, then you may want to check this post out. Why
Today we are going to be talking about quality versus quantity. Many people always go for quantity for the plank and never consider quality. What I mean by this is…. people will try and hold a plank for an extended period, whether it’s one minute, 3 minutes, or 5 minutes, etc. Now, this is all fine
Fresh coming off the completion of my bachelor’s degree, there are many things that I have learned and experienced. Some things good, some things bad. So, where shall I start? Well, I’ll start off with my first semester, first year. Were going back 4 years ago now. If you are someone that is reading this
Alright, so I’ve had some people recently ask me… Why did you decide to come back and do your masters? Why not find a job and work? Why not go to teacher’s college or something? Well, the truth is.. my intentions were always to do my masters, just not in human kinetics. My original intentions
Creatine supplementation has become very popular among the everyday modern athlete. The reason for all of its popularity among athletes is that research has shown it enhances muscular strength and performance during exercise. Unfortunately, research has only proven to show short-term benefits of creatine use for athletes and the long-term benefits have yet to be
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