Things to Read to Help Slay Your Day: 8/11/2018

Happy Saturday! Here is your new edition of strength & conditioning, self-development and business related material that WILL help slay your day. 

Industry Insights – The Back Mechanic: Any interview with Dr. Stuart McGill never disappoints. I love the insight Dr. McGill shares about radiologists and how they should not be giving a diagnosis to a patient with low back pain. 

Also, Dr. McGill’s comments about Crossfit style workouts I thought were valuable. Supersetting exercises that require high amounts of mobility (burpees) with exercises that require high amounts of stability (Snatches) is an exercise programming concern as Dr. McGill mentions.

The Untamed Podcast Episode 13 – Tony Gentilcore: Tony and host Ryan Costanza share a wide variety of insight about the strength and conditioning industry, CrossFit, and what most training session should feel like for clients. But what I found most valuable was there take on performing 1 rep max lifts. Not everyone should be performing 1 rep max lifts – and the people that need to perform 1 rep max lifts – should only do so on rare occasions. Lots of information in this podcast and I recommend you check it out. 

On Writing Well by William Zinsser: I wish I read this book before I started this blog and my thesis project. I can say that there are many concepts that I am implementing in my writing now that could have saved me time years ago. You may notice that my recent blog posts contain no adverbs and few adjectives. That’s a result of this book. 

Decisive by Chip Heath and Dan Heath: The most recent book I’ve finished. And it’s a book that I believe everyone can benefit from reading. I can tell you – it will help widen your perspective on decision making. In my previous blog post – I mention how the concepts in this book can apply to exercise and people with low back issues. 


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