2016: Year in Review and a Look to the Future
Well, 2016 was a pretty interesting year to say the least. I had the opportunity to be coached on the dead lift by the former world’s stronger man Bill Kazmaier, attend one of best weight lifting conferences in the world (SWIS) and I was able to meet some really successful coaches, trainers and therapists as well. Also, I made some significant progress on my Master’s degree. It’s come to the point were I’ve completed all my course work and quite possibly completed my last examination ever. All that is left from here on out is my thesis, which I’m just beginning to get started after having a numerous amounts of discussions with my adviser’s. However, aside from my being close to completing my master’s degree, the biggest accomplishment for myself was growing RemiSovranFitness to over 1000 subscribers. We are actually currently sitting at 1319 subscribers, which is quite remarkable considering were I began with this channel. Currently, at this pace we are growing a 4 subscribers per day, which is nice to see and I hope one day we can make this channel blow up to over 10,000 subscribers or if not more! However, we are still ways a away and there a lot of things that are going to happen over the next little while, which I hope you will all enjoy!
So What’s to Come in 2017?
1. Online Coaching and Consulting
I will be releasing a new coaching and consulting service for whoever is interested in working with your’s truly. This has been in the works for sometime, and I’m currently working with a few people who have contacted me privately, but I’m just beginning to fix up a few things and release this service to anyone who may be interested. Note: Currently I have a page for this, but it will be soon changed and updated.
2. Live Stream Q&A
I’m hoping to get a few live stream Q&A sessions going throughout the year, so I can connect and answer all of your questions that you may have for me! This is something new I will be doing, so hopefully this can be an overall enjoyable experience!
3. MORE Great Content!
I will be currently following my current pace of 2+ articles and video’s a week with the possibility of adding more content as time allocates!
Lots of good things, fun things, and awesome changes in store for 2017.
Hope you’ve had a fantastic 2016. I think it’ll be a good 2017.
And to ring in the new annum, allow me to wish you a very Happy New Year.