Why I Will Not Make an Article or Video Titled Top 10 Exercises for Low Back Pain

Sometimes I will get a message from a social media follower asking if I can make a “Top 10 Exercises for Low Back Pain Article or Video”. 

My response is always the same. And it goes something like this: 

“Dear Social Media Follower

Thank you for supporting me. 

As per your suggestion about putting together a top 10 exercises for low back pain article or video – I cannot. Everyone’s low back pain is different and will have a different cause. For instance – one person may have a herniated causing low back pain, whereas another person may have spondylolisthesis causing low back pain. A person with a herniated disc is going to have a different approach to exercise than someone with spondylolisthesis.

Low back pain is a symptom, and it doesn’t indicate the cause. Putting together an article or video with the title top 10 exercises for low back pain is misleading. Sure, some people may get relief from the exercise recommendations in articles or video’s titled top 10 exercises for low back pain, but others will get worse. I don’t want to mislead my followers, and therefore, cannot put together a top 10 exercises for low back pain article or video.

Everyone’s exercise program needs to be different, and not one person will respond the same to an exercise. Sorry for the detailed response, but I hope this clarifies my philosophy to overcoming low back pain 🙂

That’s a response I will give to someone that will ask me about putting together an article or video on the top 10 exercises for low back pain. While my focus is around low back pain – the concept of top 10 exercises can apply to any situation.

For instance – the top 10 exercises for improving basketball performance are going to differ depending on the athlete’s needs and position. A point guards top 10 exercises is going to be different than a center’s top 10 exercises. Also, a basketball player with a history of injuries is going have a different top 10 exercises than a basketball player without a history of injuries. 

I hope you can see where I’m going with this.

Everyone’s top 10 exercises are going to be different. 


Why Articles and Video’s Titled Top 10 Exercises for Low Back Pain is a Concern

The problem with social media today is that everyone is trying to be the expert on low back pain. And you can see it when people create clickbait articles or video’s using titles such as Top 10 Exercises For Low Back Pain.

Don’t believe me?

Do a youtube search and type in Top 10 Exercises For Low Back Pain– you will find many videos. 

Some are from rehab specialists. Some from fitness enthusiasts. And some from people with previous low back problems. 

The issue with a title such as Top 10 Exercises For Low Back Pain is that it misleads the layperson. The layperson with low back pain is desperate to overcome their low back problems and will try almost anything that seems like a cure. 

For instance, take a person with low back pain triggered by lumbar extension – if they watch a video titled Top 10 Exercises for Low Back Pain, and one of the exercises recommended is the McKenzie Press Up, and they perform it – a flare-up could occur.

Image Licensed from “wavebreakmedia/depositphotos.com” 

People that create articles and videos titled Top 10 Exercises For Low Back Pain are not experts, and they are creating more problems for the layperson with low back pain.

A failure to understand that everyone’s top 10 exercises for overcoming low back pain are different is a problem. 

People need to be careful when seeing articles or videos with the title of top 10 exercises for (insert problem).  Every person has specific needs, and each of those needs will require a specific program. People with low back pain should seek out a skilled coach or therapist and have a program put together for their needs. 

Next time your browsing the web – don’t be fooled by articles or video’s with the title Top 10 Exercises for (insert problem)” or “Best exercises for (insert problem).”



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