Predicting 2019 Fitness Trends
Every year the fitness industry is changing.
New Technology.
New Training Methods.
New Business Models.
You name it.
In 2018, we saw a rise in online training, gym ownership, and wearable technology. While these trends are still “hot,” and I believe they’ll continue to be hot — 2019 is a new year.
And there are a few new trends I see coming.
1. Change in the Commerical Gym Business Model – With more people specializing in the fitness industry and new studio’s opening every other week — the commercial gyms are going to change. And the change is already happening. Commercial gyms are now basing their business model on super cheap memberships (e.g., $10-20 a month) with the goal of attracting a high volume of people. At $10-20 a month, who would ever consider cancelling their membership? People aren’t going to pay $60-70 a month for a standard gym membership when they can go to Planet Fitness for $10-20 a month.
Also, with the rise in private fitness studios — personal/group training in a commercial gym has been on a rapid decline. This trend is going to continue in 2019. People prefer to support local and tend to opt for uniqueness — something the commercial gym can’t offer. Private fitness studios offer personal training (1 on 1), semi-private personal training (2-6) or large group training (7+). You rarely see all access memberships given out at private studios. Part of this is due to the “uniqueness” factor of a private studio and second is the practicality (you’re not able to fit a high volume of people in a small studio).
In 2019, you’ll see people with 2 memberships. 1 for the commercial gym and 1 for the private studio (personal/group training).

2019 is going to be the year of dual memberships. Image Licensed from “VIPDesignUSA/depositphotos.com”
2. The Hybrid Business Model – More trainers are going to opt for a hybrid business model. Online training has given trainers (including myself) the opportunity to increase income and obtain freedom. I currently have 3 sources of income (highest to lowest) — online training, in-person training and YouTube monetization. Working in the fitness industry as a personal trainer is not easy, and anytime you can take advantage of other sources of income — you’re perhaps going to take it.
3. Hiring the Trainer, Not the Gym – The fitness industry is becoming more specialized. And people are looking to hire a trainer that can solve their problems. You have trainers that specialize in athletic performance, fat loss, post-rehab, etc. Whatever the goal may be — if a person finds out you specialize in a category that they’re looking to solve and you’re good at what you do — they’ll come to see you.
4. Appreciation for Trainers – Over the years trainers have gotten a bad reputation for being uneducated and not delivering results to their clients. But with the likes of Eric Cressey, Tony Gentilcore, Dean Somerset, and Dr. Stuart McGill educating more trainers/strength coaches each day — future trainers/strength coaches are going to better prepared. Also, with injuries occurring every day — people are going to have a better appreciation for a “good” trainer that can help them exercise without making there existing problems worse.
These are a few trends I see coming for 2019. What do you think? Do you agree with me? Do you see other trends coming? Leave a comment a below with your thoughts!
Thumbnail Image Licensed from “yanlev/depositphotos.com”