Things to Read to Help Slay Your Day: 7/30/2018
From a podcast on improving sleep performance to building a consistent online business, and to an article on mindset – there is much covered in this edition of “Things to Read to Help Slay Your Day.”
Strength Coach Podcast – Episode 235: Going Deep on Sleep with Brandon Marcello: Sleep is one variable that I feel doesn’t get talked about in detail when it comes to performance training. Everyone tends to focus on exercise or nutrition without giving attention to sleep performance.
In this podcast, I thought it was refreshing to hear about how important sleep is when comes to performance enhancement. What I found most interesting was the effectiveness of blue light blocker glasses. I have always always been skeptical of these glasses, but as Dr. Marcello mentions in this podcast, the blue light blocker glasses are effective. Blue light decreases melatonin production, and high exposure to blue night at night could affect our ability to fall asleep.
Physical Preparation Podcast – Jordan Syatt on Building Consistency and Making Fitness Fun: This podcast is a great listen for anyone that is involved in online training or thinking about starting online training. As Jordyn makes clear in this podcast – you can have all the followers you want, but it’s the quality of those followers that matters most. A great point and something that has always resonated with me since I started my online training business.
No One Can Tell You How to Live – Erica Suter: I’ve been following Erica’s blog for a while now, and I’ve found her most recent post relatable. Many strength and conditioning coaches with entrepreneurial ambitions don’t live a traditional lifestyle and Erica makes this clear. Also, being judgemental about someone’s life decisions or choices is the first way to set yourself up for failure.
Officially recieved my certification in the mail today.
#strengthandconditioning pic.twitter.com/9UedP7xHvh
— Remi Sovran (@RemiSovran) July 30, 2018
Just started reading the book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and 19 pages into it a small section stood out to me. As a cultural tendency, we focus on treating health problems with surgery & medicine. The principle should be to prevent diseases & health problems.
— Remi Sovran (@RemiSovran) July 25, 2018