Year in Review 2019 (And What’s in Store for 2020?)
With 2019 coming to an end, I’m using this article to direct you to the most popular content of the past 12 months at remisovran.com. We will start with the most popular articles of the year and move to videos; these are the pieces that received the most traffic, according to my hosting statistics and YouTube Analytics.
In 2019, we published 23 articles. 22 written by yours truly and 1 guest post from Brad Krause, creator of SelfCaring.info. Here are the top 5 articles from 2019:
1. Things You Need to Know About The McKenzie Prone Press-Up – The McKenzie Prone Press-Up is one of the most common low back rehab exercises. Yet, plenty of people get worse or fail to respond positively to this exercise. Thanks to Dr. McGill’s research, we know that factors such as disc height and disc shape determine the effectiveness of the McKenzie Prone Press-up.
2. 7 Recommendations for Returning to Weight Training After a Low Back Injury – I often get questions on how to approach weight training after a back injury. The answer depends on multiple things, so here’s an article to help guide you with the process.
3. Random Thoughts on Overcoming Low Back Pain – Who would have thought that a list of random back pain tips would be a big hit?
4. Advice on Landing a Professional Sports Strength & Conditioning Internship – Here is an excellent article that I wrote for any aspiring strength coaches looking to land an awesome internship experience.
5. 5 Tips for Writing an Exercise Program for a Client with Low Back Pain – If you have mechanical low back pain, and you aren’t sure about how exercise may trigger your symptoms, then you must read this article.
The YouTube channel had good growth in 2019 but had taken a dip compared to 2018. A busier client schedule and Instagram focus made it difficult to keep up with the same pace of YouTube content from the previous year.
Here are this year’s statistics: (Note: You can find last year’s statistics in this post – 2018: Year in Review (And What’s in Store for 2019)
- Total of about 1.6 million minutes of watch time. That’s up about 100,000 minutes from the previous year.
- Total of about 300,000 video views. That’s down about 36,000 video views from the previous year.
- Over 2100 new subscribers. That’s up about 100 from the previous year.
- 38 new videos (one every 1.5 weeks). That’s down 66 (one every 3.5 days) of the prior year.
Top 5 Videos
1. Q & A #3 Running with Disc Injuries, Are Planks Good for a Disc Herniation, & Silly Stretches – I did 10 Q & A videos last year, and it turns out, this was the most popular.
2. Things You Should Know About Low Back Injuries & Spine Biomechanics – Changes to the lumbar spine’s anatomy affects how compressive, shear, torsion and tensile forces are placed on the spine. Very important in understanding how an exercise may create low back pain.
3. Investing in Your Health, Should You Give up Weightlifting and More – If you don’t invest in your health, you’re probably going to pay for it at some point.
4. 430lb Deadlift – PR – Pretty remarkable that I was able to lift 430lbs symptom-free
5. Battle Ropes Training and Low Back Pain – For someone with existing back issues (mechanical instability), they need to be careful with battles ropes training as a subtle micromovement could cause a bad flare-up.
What’s to Come in 2020?
One of my goals last year was to produce more Instagram content. And I was able to get around to that by producing the “30 Days of Low Back Pain” series on Instagram, which was well received. However, with social media platforms changing, and my audience being on YouTube, I’m going to shift my focus back to the long-form video platform. I think for the “remisovran” brand to grow seriously; we need to stick to where people are at.
That’s not too say I won’t be doing any more Instagram content. I will still produce Instagram content occasionally, but it will be straight-forward training tips.
Youtube will be the big focus in 2020. I’m hoping we can surpass 10,000 subscribers in the New Year
Also, I’m planning to revamp the obsolete newsletter and begin sticking to a regular posting schedule. My goal previously was to produce one piece of newsletter content each week, but I found that difficult to keep up with. However, I will be making a serious effort to up my newsletter game, and work on developing quality content for people looking to improve everything related to fitness and back pain.
And one final note, I’ve updated my online coaching program and have added a few new affordable training options for anyone looking to train with yours truly
You can check it out by filling in the coaching application form here: http://www.remisovran.com/coaching
2020 is going to be a big year. And hopefully, a bigger year than 2019!
Let’s get at it!
Happy New Year
Remi Sovran
Thumbnail Image Licensed from “yuriz/depositphotos.com.”