Year in Review 2020 (And What’s in Store for 2021?)
2020 is coming to an end.
It’s been a wild year.
I don’t think anyone predicted a global pandemic.
And as a self-employed small business owner, it’s been tough.
For 2020, JS Fitness (the gym I work at) shut for over 5.5 months.
And I lost 2/3rds of my in-person clients.
Crazy to think 2/3rds of my in-person revenue disappeared nearly overnight. The only silver lining from the pandemic is that online training revenues almost doubled, which helped offset a significant amount of lost revenue.
While I can go on about how wild this year has been, I know most people have been struggling, and much worse than I have.
I believe everyone is looking forward to getting out of 2020 and moving into 2021.
I’m using today’s article to direct you to the most popular content of the past 12 months at remisovran.com. According to my hosting statistics and YouTube Analytics, these are the pieces that received the most traffic:
In 2020, we published 6 articles. That is down 17 from the previous year (2019, 23 articles). I’ll admit content creation is becoming difficult, and in 2020, the ongoing pandemic added an obstacle. Considering, we only published 6 articles; I’m only going to share with you the top article for 2020:
Predicting 2020 Fitness Trends – 2020 may be the craziest year ever. 2 of my 3 predictions were spot on, and 1 was way off. I don’t think anyone predicted Covid-19 would come upon us, and it accelerated 1 trend and demolished another trend.
The YouTube channel grew in 2020, but it had taken a significant dip compared to 2019.
Here are this year’s statistics: (Note: You can find last year’s statistics in this post – 2019: Year in Review (And What’s in Store for 2020)
- Total of about 780 million minutes of watch time. That’s down about 820,000 minutes (1.6 million) from the previous year.
- Total of about 190,000 video views. That’s down about 110,000 video views (300k views) from the previous year.
- Roughly 1300 new subscribers. That’s down about 800 (2100 subscribers) from the previous year.
- 41 new videos. That’s up 3 from the prior year.
The results are surprising as my upload count was slightly higher than the prior-year, and I took a hit in crucial growth metrics. I do believe YouTube is very competitive these days, and breaking through is difficult. However, these results tell me I need to rethink my content strategy for 2021 if I’d like the YouTube channel to succeed. Note: I did begin investing resources into my YouTube channel during the latter half of 2020. I hired a consultant, editor and invested in a microphone. By looking at my last 10 videos, you’ll notice a significant change in my thumbnail, audio and video quality.
I’m hoping the investments I made in the latter half of 2020 payoff in the future years to come.
Only time will tell.
Top 5 Videos
1. Will Life Be Normal After a Disc Herniation (Low Back Pain?) – In this video, I share my life experience years after sustaining my L5-S1 disc protrusion.
2. 5 Years, 5 Low Back Pain Lessons – Back in May 2020, it was the 5 year anniversary of my YouTube Channel. And what better way to celebrate the 5 year anniversary than to share 5 of the most important lessons I’ve learned since starting my YouTube channel.
3. 6 Low Back Pain Tips to Help You Through Covid-19 – Covid-19 is still ongoing, and it’s not going anywhere for a while. If you haven’t already seen this video, I’d suggest checking it out as it’s a useful checklist for maintaining a healthy low back during the ongoing pandemic.
4. Thoughts on Mixed Martial Arts & Low Back Pain (Lumbar Disc Herniation) – Do you have low back pain and are a mixed martial artist? If so, then this video is a must-watch for you.
5. What Research Tells Us About Lumbar Disc Herniation in Professional Baseball Players – Ever wonder what the injury rate and return to play rate is for professional baseball players with a lumbar disc herniation? Well, look no further than this video I made, which shares with you the research regarding major league baseball players and lumbar disc herniations.
What’s to Come in 2021?
For 2020, my goal was to focus on my YouTube channel. And I did focus on the channel, but it wasn’t until the latter half of 2020. For that reason, I do believe the YouTube channel suffered. However, for 2021, with the new resources put into play, I think it’ll only be a matter of time until we see results.
My goal in 2021 is to hit 10,000 subscribers. I was hoping in 2020 we could hit that goal, but that didn’t happen. And 2021 may just be the year!
One bright spot that I haven’t talk about yet has been my online back pain coaching program. In 2020, I added a few different membership options to provide training and price flexibility. And it paid off as we saw an increase in membership subscriptions and revenue.
You can check it out by filling in the coaching application form here: http://www.remisovran.com/coaching
While I have a personalized online back pain coaching program, I’m considering developing a cost-friendly back pain mentorship option. The low back pain mentorship would be an option for people looking to work with me that may not have the funds to access me 1 on 1. And it would entitle more of a group training/mentorship option. Something I’m thinking about and will have to think it over more before making a decision.
Those are a few things to expect in 2021 and if you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below! I would be too happy to hear
Cheers to the end of 2020 and may this covid-19 pandemic end in 2021.
Happy New Year
Thumbnail Image Licensed from “RobertKneschke/canva.com”
Remi Sovran