Things to Read to Help Slay Your Day: 06/13/2019
I apologize for being absent of late.
Work, travel, friends and family have been taking up time, and I haven’t been able to keep the blog or YouTube channel up to date.
I recently came back from the StrongSummit in Toronto, and I thought it was an incredible conference. Learned new material and met some very successful trainers and business owners. I would recommend this conference for any personal trainers looking to get an edge in performance training and business.
Anyway, I don’t want to ramble on to much about the conference, so.
Here is a new list of strength and conditioning and business material to check out.
12 Days of Dead Bugs: Wondering how you could make a dead bug more challenging? Here are 12 “cool” dead bug tips Dean shares. Note: I will be adding a few of these dead bug variations to my clients’ programs soon
Gym Owner Musings – Installment #14: While this article is a few weeks old, it’s one that I found myself going back to. Pete Dupuis shares 3 excellent tips for gym owners. Pete’s first tip, “On Selling,” I thought resonated with me the most.
When I first started my online training business, I would always email prospective clients with different membership options. Often, this would result in lacklustre conversions, and it wasn’t until I started calling potential clients that this changed. Great read!
47 Lessons… – Pat Rigsby: Here is a great article Pat Rigsby put together on his 47th birthday. If you’re working in the private sector of the fitness industry, I highly recommend you read the article. It’s full of helpful business and life tips
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