• 03FEB, 2019
    Exercise 101: Supine Band-Bar Chin-up

    Exercise 101: Supine Band-Bar Chin-up

    Performing a bodyweight chin-up is challenging.  Regular gym-goers often struggle with it due to a lack of upper-body strength. And I’d say it’s not an exercise people often perform with good technique. People swing their legs to generate momentum or extend their neck in attempts to get their head to the bar during a chin-up – all

  • 08OCT, 2018
    5 Tips For Improving Your Chin-Up Performance

    5 Tips For Improving Your Chin-Up Performance

    The chin-up is one of the most popular upper body strengthening exercises. Fitness assessments, military-style training and strength programs all incorporate the chin-up to some extent. The chin-up is not an easy exercise to perform. People may struggle with the chin-up, or some may not know how to perform it with proper technique. Assuming incorrect technique